Ternyata ini memiliki tampilan yang berbeda dari sistem autoclave lainnya, kecil dan terintegrasi sepenuhnya. Saat Anda menginstal dan menggunakannya, Anda menyadari bahwa perbedaan nyata terletak pada kenyamanan dan kinerja. EsyBox Mini3 menggunakan teknologi DAB paling canggih untuk memungkinkan tekanan konstan sesuai dengan permintaan dan dengan demikian mengoptimalkan konsumsi energi. Model 3-rotor baru memastikan pengurangan kebisingan dan konsumsi lebih lanjut. Mengelola tekanan air di rumah Anda tidak pernah semudah dan senyap ini.

Kompak dan terintegrasi sepenuhnya, cocok untuk digunakan dengan air minum, dalam sistem rumah tangga dan
aplikasi berkebun.
Mengelola tekanan air di rumah Anda tidak pernah semudah ini dan


air hujan

Apartment sampai dengan 3 lantai, 2 kamar mandi and 50m2 ukuran taman.


Penggerak Frekuensi Variabel (VFD)
Berkat teknologi inverter, EsyBox Mini3 hanya menyerap energi yang diperlukan. meningkatkan tabungan ekonomi yang sensitif.

Desain motor berpendingin air khusus menghilangkan kebisingan yang dihasilkan oleh kipas pendingin tradisional.

Koneksi - fleksibilitas instalasi
Memungkinkan Anda memilih saluran masuk dan keluar sistem mana yang akan digunakan tergantung pada kebutuhan instalasi Anda.

Katup satu arah (Non Return Valve) saat pengiriman
Mudah dilepas untuk tindakan perawatan rutin.

Kompartemen Teknis
Akses mudah ke penyetelan katup udara tangki ekspansi dan katup satu arah untuk pembersihan atau perawatan cepat.

1 Liter Tangki Ekspansi (Expansion tank)
Dijamin selama 5 tahun tanpa persyaratan perawatan apa pun. Bersertifikat untuk air minum.

Sensor aliran dan tekanan
Transduser tekanan elektronik dan sensor aliran terintegrasi.

Bagian kaki anti getaran
Menjamin penyerapan getaran yang efektif membantu EsyBox Mini³ untuk lebih mengurangi kebisingan pengoperasian.
We have combined the power of digital services with our know-how about pumps to provide complete solutions for the remote control of residential and commercial systems. This is because we want to make it easier for technicians to work and create new sales models, ensure maximum comfort in the home, and lower your energy bills. And of course, to preserve our most valuable resource: water.

Temukan hemat energi anda
dengan EsyBox Mini3
Compared to a pumping system without variable frequency drive

The installer menu is a menu that allows you to modify numerous pump operating parameters. In the case of EsyBox Mini3, you can enter the menu by simultaneously pressing the "mode" "set" and "-" buttons for a few seconds. Modifying these parameters is recommended only by professional personal or under the supervision of our customer service. The menu allows you to view and edit various configuration parameters: the MODE button scrolls through the menu pages, the + and - buttons allow you to respectively increase and decrease the value of the parameter in question. To exit the menu and return to the main menu press SET. To learn more about this topic, you can register free for our online course Esyline organized by DTraining, aimed at installers, plumbers or interested people. We recommend you read the EsyBox Mini3 instruction manual (also available on our DNA software) for all information on the use of the product.
The EsyBox Mini3 pump is designed to be ready for the first start, but if you do not have special requirements apart from the first fill for initial priming there is nothing to set up. With the product there is a quick illustrated paper guide that explains how to proceed with the first start. In addition to the quick guide, a manual is also provided where the first pages explain how to behave for the initial start of the product, including the loading procedures for the first priming. To learn more about this topic, you can register free for our online course Esyline organized by DTraining, aimed at installers, plumbers or interested people. We recommend you read the EsyBox Mini³ instruction manual (also available on our DNA software) for all information on the use of the product.

The EsyBox Mini3 pump is designed to be ready for the first start, but if you do not have special requirements apart from the first fill for initial priming there is nothing to set up. With the product there is a quick illustrated paper guide that explains how to proceed with the first start. In addition to the quick guide, a manual is also provided where the first pages explain how to behave for the initial start of the product, including the loading procedures for the first priming. To learn more about this topic, you can register free for our online course Esyline organized by DTraining, aimed at installers, plumbers or interested people. We recommend you read the EsyBox Mini³ instruction manual (also available on our DNA software) for all information on the use of the product.
The DAB LIVE! app is available for free for Android (Google Play) and iOS (App Store).
No, you don’t need a modem because the EsyBox Mini3 comes with built-in connectivity (anyway, the pump must be connected to the net via wifi/modem)
Yes, from the app you can go directly to the contact form of this site and request support: fill it in and you will be contacted as soon as possible.