
EsyBox Diver是第一台集成了变频驱动器的电子潜水泵,用户界面可用于远程控制。Dconnect Box 2是标准配置,因此使用Dconnect应用程序可以快速轻松地进行安装、监视和性能管理。电子设备与连接性相结合,可为每个用户提供高效、多功能的适合产品:住宅增压的一站式解决方案。




可实现对泵的轻松、恒定控制。附件安装实现了最大的方便性和自主性。NFC(近场通信)允许使用带浮子开关和水位测量装置*的泵,无需任何其他接线。可以连接附件,因此不需要拆卸泵体。所有这些保证了速度和可靠性。PLC *(电力线通信)允许通过电源输入线而不是通过任何物理连接来使用DConnect Box 2电子控制设备。
可实现对泵的轻松、恒定控制。附件安装实现了最大的方便性和自主性。NFC(近场通信)允许使用带浮子开关和水位测量装置*的泵,无需任何其他接线。可以连接附件,因此不需要拆卸泵体。所有这些保证了速度和可靠性。PLC *(电力线通信)允许通过电源输入线而不是通过任何物理连接来使用DConnect Box 2电子控制设备。
作为IP68认证的地面泵,通过DOC68甚至可将EsyBox Diver安装在室外。
DConnect Box 2
便捷的DConnect Box 2可监控多达4台泵,但只能通过Wi-Fi连接到互联网。连接后,您只需要按照应用程序的简单指导步骤即可将其连接到DAB 云并完全轻松地管理泵。有关服务条件的更多信息,请访问以下网站:www.internetofpumps.com
节约效果 EsyBox Diver
Compared to a pumping system without variable frequency drive
The pump and the DCONNECT BOX 2, if present, must be connected to the same power mains, avoiding their being galvanically separated, as for example due to the presence of open isolation transformers or switches, even single-phase ones. In particular condominium or industrial contexts, where single-phase users can be connected to different phases of the three-phase distribution provided by the public operator, the DCONNECT BOX 2 and the pump might not be able to communicate. After having correctly connected the hydraulic and electrical part, it is sufficient to supply power and the system is ready to work. The pump can be controlled and set through the appropriate app, installed on a smartphone or tablet. The app can be downloaded from https://internetofpumps.com/ or from the major stores. To enable the app to interact with the pump, the DCONNECT BOX 2 must be correctly installed and powered. The LEDs on the DCONNECT BOX 2 monitor the connection status with the pump and the app.
In the case of dry running the pump is stopped automatically after the time TB. After having restored the correct flow of water you can try to leave the protective block manually by sending the Error Reset command. If the alarm status remains, or if the user does not intervene by restoring the flow of water and resetting the pump, the automatic restart will try to restart the pump.
If there are leaks in the delivery section of the plant, the system starts and stops cyclically even if no water is intentionally being drawn: even just a slight leak (a few ml) can cause a fall in pressure which in turn starts the electropump. The electronic control of the system is able to detect the presence of the leak, based on its recurrence. The Anti-Cycling function can be excluded or activated in Basic or Smart mode. In Basic mode, once the condition of recurrence is detected the pump stops and remains waiting to be manually reset. This condition is communicated to the user with the "ANTICYCLING” message. After the leak has been removed, you can manually force restart by sending the Error Reset command. In Smart mode, once the leak condition is detected, the parameter RP is automatically increased to decrease the number of starts over time.
The change of state of water from liquid to solid involves an increase in volume. It is therefore essential to ensure that the system does not remain full of water with temperatures close to freezing point, to avoid breakages of the system. This is the reason why it is recommended to empty any electropump that is going to remain unused during the winter. However, this system has a protection that prevents ice formation inside by activating the electropump when the temperature falls to values close to freezing point. In this way the water inside is heated and freezing prevented. The Anti-Freeze protection works only if the system is regularly fed: with the plug disconnected or in the absence of current the protection cannot work. However, it is advised not to leave the system full during long peri- ods of inactivity: drain the system accurately through the drainage cap and put it away in a sheltered place.